Thursday, December 18, 2008


It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Friends and family gather together, we recognize the folks who make a difference in our lives and we celebrate with gifts.
As anyone who watches TV or listens to radio knows, the big push this season has been on helping others – whether through making charitable donations in lieu of giving physical gifts to friends and family (a very viable option, in my opinion), or through active involvement in local charitable ventures.
The outpouring of kindness to strangers was never more evident here than after the July flooding. But beyond that, many generous souls in Lincoln and Otero Counties give freely of their time and energy to volunteer in worthwhile causes.
However, a refrain I have heard voiced all to often concerns the lack of “new blood” for many of the volunteer efforts in the area. Seems there are the few who wind up doing most everything that needs doing to produce fundraising and awareness events, resulting in the inevitable burnout. My question is: Why do more people not jump in to help? Many hands make the work lighter, the expression goes, and as someone who has produced many events and productions through the years, I can attest to that adage, adding that more hands make it more fun, as well.
As we approach the new year, with its inevitable resolutions, let’s start a conversation through the ¡Vámonos! blog Vital Signs, accessed through – join others there to discuss “What are the issues?” and “Who needs to be reached and how?”
For most local organizations, staying all-volunteer is an intrinsic part of their mission and heart. Some of today's all-volunteer organizations will be tomorrow's multi-million dollar, influential and powerful organizations that change laws, change public opinion, and shape society. Others will continue to be the invisible glue that connects people's connections that form the framework for strong communities. In a thousand ways, board members and volunteers in all-volunteer organizations are the grassroots leaders and “keepers of the spirit” upon which so much of community cohesiveness and social change depend.
Join me at Vital Signs, also accessed at to see what symptoms and solutions can be defined in the area of volunteerism in our neighborhood.
See you there, and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.


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